NAACP Legal Defense Fund Statement on At-Large Elections
Why is at-large voting discriminatory?
At-large methods of election are often discriminatory because they,
in combination with racially polarized voting, prevent voters of color
from electing their candidates of choice where they are not the majority
in the jurisdiction. Under this system, the votes of voters of color often
are drowned out or submerged by the votes of a majority of white voters
who often do not support the candidates preferred by Black voters.
How does at-large voting affect communities of color?
Fewer and fewer districts still practice at-large voting. That is
because courts and other decision-makers long have recognized that
discriminatory methods of election, like at-large voting, enhance
the discrimination that communities of color experience because of
socioeconomic and other disparities in life opportunities between
Black and white communities.
LDF has long worked to eradicate discriminatory at-large methods of
election that dilute the voting strength of communities of color.”
Download the entire NAACP Legal Defense Fund Statement on At-Large Elections